Wednesday, September 10, 2014

173 Phlebotomy High Yield Practice Test (QUESTIONS 61-80)

Question 61-80

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Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

61. Which of the following is a pre filled blood collection and dilution unit?

A.      Monovette

B.      BMP leukoChek

C.      BD Vacutainer

D.     BD Quikheel

62. Which of the following additives prevent coagulation of blood by removing calcium through the formation of insoluble calcium salts?

A.    EDTA, lithium heparin, sodium citrate

B.     EDTA, potassium oxalate, sodium citrate

C.     Sodium fluoride, lithium heparin, EDTA

D.    Ammonium heparin, sodium citrate, potassium oxalate

63. What does it indicate if during the venipuncture procedure, the blood begins to squirt out in pulses? This might indicate that:

A.    a vein has been penetrated by the needle

B.     the patient has a high ESR

C.     an artery has been penetrated by the needle

D.    the patient has petechiae and might bleed profusely


64. Which of the following laboratory test results are affected most if the patient is NOT fasting?

A.    Triglycerides

B.     CBC

C.     Potassium

D.    Sodium

65. Hemolysis due to poor venipuncture technique can cause falsely:

A.    increased hemoglobin levels

B.     decreased iron levels

C.     increased RBC counts

D.    decreased hemoglobin levels

66. Another term used for fainting is:

A.    lymphedema

B.     fomite

C.     syncope

D.    sclerosis

E.     occlusion

67. What is a solid mass derived from blood constituents that can occlude a vein called:

A.    occlusion

B.     petechiae

C.     thrombus

D.    Vein constituents

68. A blood clotting abnormality such as thrombocytopenia can sometimes be detected by seeing:

A.    large veins on the patient

B.     petechiae on the patient’s skin

C.     edema at the area of a mastectomy

D.  a pulsation near the wrist of the patient    

69. If blood is to be collected for a fasting blood glucose level, the patient must fast for:

A.    14 to 16 hours

B.     from midnight of the previous day

C.     8 to 12 hours

D.    6 to 8 hours from midnight

70. Turbid serum is not due to?

A.    elevated sodium results

B.     elevated cholesterol results

C.     bacterial contamination

D.    elevated triglyceride results

71. A basal state occurs:

A.    in the early morning, about 12 hours after food intake

B.     1 hour after dinner while resting

C.     in the morning, 2 hours post prandial

D.    in the evening, 3 hours after fasting

72. Which of the following occurs as the result of inflammation and disease?

A.    Hematoma

B.     sclerosed veins

C.     syncope

D.    thrombosis

73. When hemoglobin is released and plasma becomes tinged with pink or red, this condition is referred to as:

A.    hematoma

B.     hemophilia

C.     hematocrit

D.    hemolysis

74. Vein collapse during venipuncture on an elderly patient can be avoided by using:

A.    a larger needle size to allow a continuous flow of blood

B.     a BD needle

C.     a larger blood collection tube

D.    a smaller needle size

75. An alternative cleansing solution for a patient allergic to iodine is 

A.    chlorohexidine

B.     ethyl alcohol

C.     isopropyl alcohol

D.    chlorophenol

76. A patient who had a mastectomy may develop localized

A.    petechiae

B.     edema

C.     allergy

D.    fomites

77. A hemolyzed specimen can lead to falsely increased results for:

A.    hemoglobin

B.     iron

C.     RBC count

D.    hematocrit

78. Which of the following is an increase in red blood cells and other cells and solids in the blood caused from loss of fluid in the tissues around the venipuncture site?

A.    Hemolysis

B.     Hemoconcentration

C.     Sclerosis

D.    Syncope

79. Small red spots appearing on a patient's skin may be a result of complications from:

A.    decreased blood glucose

B.     elevated blood glucose

C.     elevated blood cholesterol

D.    blood clotting abnormalities

80. What is another term for a winged infusion set?

A.    winged hemostat

B.     butterfly 

C.     syringe

D.    evacuated tube


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Who actually elect the President of the United States, the Vice President, Senators, Governors, and the Congress? Find out the Answer Here and cross check your facts! !

Majority Wins


The Road to the White House and Becoming the POTUS

POTUS … President of the United States

Who are the true Electors? Find out Here!!
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