Friday, September 12, 2014

173 Phlebotomy High Yield Practice Test (QUESTIONS 121-140)

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173 Phlebotomy High Yield Practice Test (QUESTIONS 121-140)

121. When performing skin puncture on an infant or child, why are hematology specimens collected first?

A.    to maintain the proper blood pH

B.     to increase white and red blood cells in the Unopette for blood cell counts

C.     to minimize increased red blood cells in the microcollection containers

D.    to minimize platelet clumping  

122. Venipuncture in children is indicated for the following laboratory tests:

A.    Blood cultures

B.     Glucose

C.     WBC

D.    Blood gases
123. To pre-warm the infant's heel for blood collection, it is best to pre warm the site for:

A.    30 seconds

B.     3 to 5 minutes

C.     1 to 2 minutes

D.    5 to 8 minutes  

124. How should an infant be positioned  during the performance of a heel stick?

A.    prone position

B.     lateral position

C.     supine position

D.    recovery position

125. Which of the following is true concerning the skin puncture on an infant compared with the dorsal hand venipuncture procedure on an infant?

A.    Hemolysis occurs more often

B.     It is less stressful for the patient

C.     Fewer punctures are required

D.    There is less tissue fluid leakage and thus, less dilution of the specimen

126. This age group is embarrassed to show fear when venipuncture is performed on them?

A.    1 to 3 years old

B.     13 to 17 years old

C.     6 to 12 years old

D.    3 to 5 years old

127. Blood gas testing includes testing for:

A.    pH2O, pH, and pO2

B.     pH, pH2O, and CO2

C.     pH, O2, and CO2

D.    pH2O, pH and O2

128. The best location for performing a phlebotomy on a hospitalized child is:

A.    at the bedside in a chair

B.     in his/her bed

C.     in a playroom

D.    in a treatment room

129. A major medical error that can occur from a neonatal heel stick is:

A.    Osteomyelitis

B.     Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

C.     Toxoplasmosis

D.    PKU

130. Which of the following steps does the dorsal hand vein technique for infants include?

A.    the infant is stuck with a safety lancet

B.     the health care provider collecting the specimen uses a small non latex tourniquet

C.     the blood is collected through a safety butterfly needle

D.    the patient's wrist veins are used

131. Which age group would perceive pain from a needle stick as a punishment for bad behavior?

A.    1 year old

B.     6 to 10 years old

C.     3 to 5 years old

D.    11 to 15 years old

132. Where is blood collected from  during a blood spot testing for neonatal screening to detect metabolic and genetic abnormalities?

A.    the median cubital vein

B.     the central area of the heel

C.     the lateral plantar surface of the heel

D.    the dorsal vein

133. Which of the following is NOT a normal acceptable intervention to alleviate pain when performing venipuncture on an infant?

A.    Pacifier

B.     EMLA cream

C.     oral sucrose

D.    lidocaine injection

134. Which of the following is needed for blood collection by skin puncture on an infant?

A.    Purple-topped evacuated tube

B.     BD Eclipse safety needle

C.     Puncture-resistant sharps container

D.    Non latex tourniquet

135. Which of the following steps does the dorsal hand vein technique for infants include?

A.    the infant is stuck with a safety lancet

B.     the blood is collected through a safety butterfly needle

C.     the health care provider collecting the specimen uses a small nonlatex tourniquet

D.    the patient's wrist veins are used  

136. The optimal depth of a fingerstick in a child is:

A.    greater than 3.0 mm

B.     less than 3.0 mm

C.     less than 2.0 mm

D.    less than 0.5 mm

137. For the performance of a heelstick on an infant, the infant should be positioned in the:

A.    lateral position

B.     recovery position

C.     supine position

D.    prone position

138.  What is another term for fluid found in the tissues.

A.    Hemostatic

B.     Synovial

C.     interstitial 

D.    hemoglobin

139. When performing skin puncture on an infant or child, why are hematology specimens collected first?

A.    to minimize platelet clumping

B.     to increase white and red blood cells in the Unopette for blood cell counts

C.     to maintain the proper blood Ph

D.    to minimize increased red blood cells in the microcollection containers

140. When using butterfly needle technique during the collection of a blood culture specimen, which blood culture vial is collected first?
A.    Anerobic vial

B.     Aerobic vial

C.     Does not matter

D.    Both aerobic and anerobic

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