Thursday, September 11, 2014

173 Phlebotomy High Yield Practice Test (QUESTIONS 81-100)

Question 81-100

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81. Which of the following should stop the health care worker from collecting blood from a patient's arm vein?

A.    heart bypass surgery last year

B.     either low blood pressure or high blood pressure

C.     mastectomy

D.    heart attack that occurred during the previous night

82. If a patient is burned near the left elbow, where would the preferred venipuncture location be?

A.    left hand finger stick

B.     right arm's antecubital area

C.     back side of the right wrist

D.    under the left elbow

83. If a sodium citrate tube is "overfilled", what can happen?

A.    nothing bad can happen

B.     shortened clotting times

C.     the additive is inactivated

D.    longer clotting times

84. Why is it important to position the patient properly prior to venipuncture?

A.    reduces the transmission of pathogens 

B.     promotes needle safety

C.     patient comfort and safety

D.    allows the phlebotomist to get comfortable also

85. For inexperienced phlebotomists, when learning how to decontaminate the venipuncture site, it is most important to wipe the area:

A.    from top to bottom five times

B.     by rubbing in concentric circles from inside to out

C.     before confirming patient identification

D.    before visualizing the vein
86. A phlebotomist walks into a patient's room to collect a blood specimen. There are several family members in the room watching television with the patient. What should the phlebotomist do?

A.    come back later when the family is gone

B.     ask the patient if it is okay for the family to step outside during the procedure

C.     call the supervisor

D.    ignore the family and collect your sample
87. For inexperienced phlebotomists, when learning how to locate arm veins, it is most important to learn how to: 

A.    notice the color of the vein

B.     identify the direction of blood flow in the median cubital veins

C.     feel the veins 

D.    see the median cubital veins

88. A phlebotomist entered a hospital room to collect a routine blood specimen using a butterfly system for a coagulation test. The phlebotomist noticed that the patient had just finished lunch. What extra step should a phlebotomist take? 

A.    warm the venipuncture site prior to the needle stick

B.     use a discard tube before filling the coagulation tube

C.     indicate the non fasting condition on the requisition

D.    no extra steps are required

89. The term "supine" refers to:

A.    serum

B.     reclining position

C.     a seated position 

D.    standing with support position 

90. Coagulation tests can be affected by ingestion of:

A.    caffeine or tea

B.     fried foods

C.     chocolate

D.    aspirin

91. If a sodium citrate tube is "underfilled", what can happen?

A.    shortened clotting times

B.     nothing bad can happen

C.     additive is inactivated

D.    longer clotting times

92. When the "3-way match" is used for patient identification. the phlebotomist must have the following:

A.    stated name that match the requisition and the armband

B.     three forms of computerized identification of the patient

C.     stated name must match the requisition and the bed label

D.    three forms of  matching paper identification 
93. Excessive, vigorous mixing of a blood specimen for coagulation can lead to: 

A.    no harmful change

B.     longer clotting times

C.     shortened clotting times

D.    inactivation of additive
94. What is the most common agent used to decontaminate a venipuncture site? 

A.    alcohol-based hand rubs

B.     isopropanol

C.     70 % ethyl alcohol

D.    Chlorhexidine

95. Name one reason that timed tests are important.

A.    can help confirm drug dosages 

B.     assures that the patient has been fasting

C.     provides comfort and convenience for patients

D.    indicates that the patient has had enough sleep

96. How many times can sterile needles be used for routine venipuncture?

A.    3 times

B.     Twice

C.     Once

D.    4 times
97. A patient had "a deep wound on the dorsal side of the right wrist". Where is the wound and where would the preferred venipuncture location be?

A.    the wound is on the antecubital surface of the right wrist and venipuncture should be in the antecubital area of the left arm 

B.     the wound is on the front side of the right wrist and venipuncture should be done on the antecubital surface of the right arm

C.     the wound is on the back side of the right wrist and venipuncture should be done on the front side of the right wrist 

D.    the wound is on the back side of the right wrist and the venipuncture should be in the antecubital area of the left arm
98. During a difficult phlebotomy procedure, the phlebotomist left the tourniquet on for a couple of minutes, asked the patient to clench her fist, dangle her arm off the side of the bed, and              warmed the site before trying again later. Which step was inappropriate?

A.    asking the patient to clench her fist

B.     dangling the patient's arm

C.     leaving the tourniquet on too long

D.    warming the site 
99. A phlebotomist walks into a patient's room to collect a routine blood specimen. The patient is busy talking to his chaplain. What should the phlebotomist do?

A.    come back later

B.     ask the chaplain to step outside to discuss it

C.     call the supervisor

D.    insist on collecting the blood
100. Skin puncture procedures are recommended for the following laboratory test requests except:

A.    prenatal testing

B.     blood cultures

C.     tests requiring anticoagulated blood

D.    routine hematology tests

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