Wednesday, September 10, 2014

173 Phlebotomy High Yield Practice Test (Questions 21-40)

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173 Phlebotomy High Yield Practice Test

Questions 21-40


Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

21. When referring to infection control, host susceptibility is increased by:

A.      sterile techniques

B.     Hand washing

C.      standard precautions

D.    poor nutrition


22. Which of the following agencies require health care facilities to protect workers exposed to biological hazards?

A.      FDA

B.      HIPAA

C.      EPA

D.     OSHA

23. What type of safety requires the phlebotomist being aware of Time, distance, and shielding 

A.      Chemical

B.      Electrical

C.      fire hazard

D.     radiation


24. The blue quadrant of the NFPA diamond on the label of a chemical refers to:

A.      health hazard

B.      chemical hazard

C.      instability hazard

D.     flammability hazard

25. What is the first item to be taken off when removing the isolation PPE?

A.      gloves

B.      gown

C.      face shield

D.    mask

26. What should the phlebotomist do if a conscious in-patient whom he /she is about to collect a blood sample from is not wearing an arm band?

A.    call the doctor to positively identify the patient

B.     check the patient's driver's license then collect the blood

C.     ask the nurse to positively identify the patient

D.    come back later with the supervisor

27. The following information is required when ordering a laboratory test

A.    preferred site from which to draw the specimen

B.      a provider legally authorized to order the test

C.      patient's marital status

D.     patient's address , phone number or drivers license


28. In the laboratory, all specimen tubes should be stored:

A.    in an upright position with a secure closure

B.     in a warm location

C.     in a slanted position in a frost free refrigerator

D.    in a slanted position in a frosted refrigerator


29. The gel inside the specimen collection tube

A.    acts as a preservative or anticoagulant

B.     acts as a barrier between serum/plasma and cells

C.     shortens the clotting time

D.    extends the clotting time


30. A hospital computerized system used for ordering laboratory tests when compared to a manual (paper) system would be less:

A.      cost-effective

B.      efficient

C.      prone to transcription mistakes

D.     prone to accounting mistakes

31. Blood cultures can be collected directly into culture media.
What will be the effect of doing this?

A.      To assure that other laboratory tests are not contaminated

B.      To minimize chances of contamination and speed contact with culture media 

C.      To assure quicker comfort and convenience for patients

D.     To minimize the exposure to light

32. Excessive and vigorous mixing of a blood specimen with an additive can lead to: 

A.    Dehydration

B.     Hematoma

C.     Hemolysis

D.    inactivation of the additive

33. The abbreviations used for physicians are:

A.    DO and MD

B.     PA and MD

C.     NP and MD 

D.    PA and DO


34. Which of the following is considered a photosensitive constituent in a blood specimen?

A.    Glucose

B.     Cholesterol

C.     Hemoglobin

D.    Bilirubin

35. Chilling a specimen can delay:

A.    Thrombosis

B.     hematoma formation

C.     hemorrhage

D.    clotting time 

36. The quality of blood specimens can be affected by:

A.    timing of transport 

B.     centrifugation method used

C.     method of transport

D.    all of the above

37. A laboratory test required for an emergency should be indicated

A.    as a ER notation on the test request

B.     on the patient identification armband

C.     as a STAT notation on the test request

D.    as non fasting

38. If a laboratory worker is correcting an error on a paper document that is in a patient's clinical record, the following should be done:

A.    use whiteout to delete an incorrect result and put his or her signature on the side

B.     remove the entire page and have it reprinted with the correct result

C.     mark a single line through the incorrect result and write "error"

D.    remove the entire page and show it to the patient or nurse immediately

39. Glycolytic action is:

A.    breakdown of glucose 

B.     action of glycol when rubbing in concentric circles

C.     a glycol test for diabetes

D.    aspirin's ability to inhibit coagulation

40. What is the normal room temperature in degrees Fahrenheit?

A.    98

B.     37

C.     75

D.    25

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