Tuesday, September 30, 2014

EKG Crossword Game 2 Answers


















Who actually elect the President of the United States, the Vice President, Senators, Governors, and the Congress? Find out the Answer Here and cross check your facts! !

Majority Wins


The Road to the White House and Becoming the POTUS

POTUS … President of the United States

Who are the true Electors? Find out Here!!

EKG Crossword Game 2

Dr. Esumei Series

EKG Crossword Game 1 Answer











Who actually elect the President of the United States, the Vice President, Senators, Governors, and the Congress? Find out the Answer Here and cross check your facts! !

Majority Wins


The Road to the White House and Becoming the POTUS

POTUS … President of the United States

Who are the true Electors? Find out Here!!

EKG Crossword Game 1

Dr Esumei Series

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

173 Phlebotomy High Yield Practice Test (ANSWERS 161-173)


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161. B
162. B
163. D
164. C
165. A
166. A
167. C
168. C
169. A
170. A
171. B
172. A
173. A

Who actually elect the President of the United States, the Vice President, Senators, Governors, and the Congress? Find out the Answer Here and cross check your facts! !

Majority Wins


The Road to the White House and Becoming the POTUS

POTUS … President of the United States

Who are the true Electors? Find out Here!!
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173 Phlebotomy High Yield Practice Test (QUESTIONS 161-173)


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161. How long does it take for the glucose level to return to normal after ingestion of 75-100mg of glucose following a glucose tolerance test?
A.      45 minutes
B.      120  minutes
C.      60 minutes
D.     30 minutes
162. Which of the following specimen will be collected for a suspected drug abuse case?
A.      Synovial fluid
B.      Urine
C.      CSF
D.     edema fluid
163. Why do phlebotomists use a tourniquet during a venipuncture procedure?
A.      To distend the artery so that they can be easily entered
B.      To create a barrier between plasma and cellular components.
C.      To increase blood flow to the area.
D.     To distend the veins so that they can be easily entered
164. Nosocomial infections are
A.      Infections acquired through the nasopharynx
B.      Airborne infections
C.      Healthcare acquired infections
D.     Community acquired nose infections
165. Which of the following reactions occur in the vascular phase of the hemostatic process?
A.      Blood vessel constrict in response to injury
B.      Platelets aggregate at the site of injury to form a temporary platelet plug
C.      Breakdown and removal of clot
D.     The temporary platelet plug is converted to a stable fibrin plug
166. Which of the following is the most critical mistake that a phlebotomist can make?
A.      Improper identification of a patient
B.      Causing a hematoma to develop
C.      Late collection of a timed specimen
D.     Failing to be courteous or showing empathy
167. In the vascular system, which of the following vessel have valve?
A.      Artery
B.      Arteriole
C.      Vein
D.     Venule
168. A physician noticed that an increased number of patients presenting with symptoms of diabetes. He/she decided to do a post prandial glucose test?
Post prandal means:
A.      After a prank
B.      Before a prank
C.      After a meal
D.     Before a meal
169. Which of the following is the function of thrombocytes?
A.      Clotting and repairing of blood vessels
B.      Transports oxygen to the tissues
C.      Ingests bacteria and viruses
D.     Prevents formites from causing infection
170.  Which of the following is the anti-glycolytic agent found in a gray tube?
A.      Sodium fluoride
B.      Sodium citrate
C.      Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)
D.     Sodium  polyanetholesulfonate (SPS)
171. A new phlebotomist decided to collect a sample from a vein at the palmar side of a patient’s wrist:
Which of the following is a likely complication?
A.      Hematoma
B.      Nerve damage
C.      No  obvious complication
D.     Hemolysis
172. Why is it important to follow “the order of draw” during the collection of multiple samples?
A.      To minimize additive carry over
B.      To create orderliness during blood collection
C.      To show that some samples are more important
D.     To first draw samples that can decrease venous flow
173. What is the effect of Aspirin ingestion taken over several days on a phlebotomy process?
A.      It can result in a delayed blood clotting
B.      It  acts as an analgesic to reduce pain from phlebotomy
C.      It can result in a shortened blood clotting time
D.     It can cause the venipuncture site to become very tender

Who actually elect the President of the United States, the Vice President, Senators, Governors, and the Congress? Find out the Answer Here and cross check your facts! !

Majority Wins


The Road to the White House and Becoming the POTUS

POTUS … President of the United States

Who are the true Electors? Find out Here!!
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Sunday, September 14, 2014

173 Phlebotomy High Yield Practice Test (Answers 141-160)


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An activity in the blog will encourage me to devote some time to formulate more questions and post it.

Meanwhile Enjoy this and study smarter.

141. D
142. A
143. A
144. B
145. C
146. A
147. B
148. C
147. B
148. C
149. B
150. B
151. B
152. A
153. B
154. D
155. C
156. C
157. D
158. D
159. B
160. B

Who actually elect the President of the United States, the Vice President, Senators, Governors, and the Congress? Find out the Answer Here and cross check your facts! !

Majority Wins


The Road to the White House and Becoming the POTUS

POTUS … President of the United States

Who are the true Electors? Find out Here!!
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173 Phlebotomy High Yield Practice Test (QUESTIONS 141-160)


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An activity in the blog will encourage me to devote some time to formulate more questions and post it.
Meanwhile Enjoy this and study smarter.

141.  How long does it take to pre-warm the heel of an infant before a heelstick procedure?

A.      45 seconds

B.      45 minutes

C.      5-10minutes

D.     3-5 minutes

142. A heel stick method was used to collect blood for neonatal screening by a phlebotomist, how long should the card be left to dry in a horizontal position?

A.      4 hours

B.      24 hours

C.      72 hours

D.     48 hours

143. Suppose that the phlebotomist was sued for negligence after a heelstick procedure. The medical error according to the attorney is

A.      Osteomyelitis

B.      PKU

C.      Osteochondritis

D.     Toxoplasmosis

144. A phlebotomy decided to use a hand vein technique during blood collection, which of the following steps did the phlebotomist use?

A.      The phlebotomist used a sterile and safety lancet

B.      The phlebotomist used a sterile and safety butterfly needle

C.      The phlebotomist used a small nonlatex tourniquet

D.     The phlebotomist used the visible wrist vein 

145. During a phlebotomy lecture, the instructor stated that some children are embarrassed to show fear during a blood collection procedure. Which of the following age group will likely exhibit this type of behavior?

A.      6 to 12 years old

B.     1 to 3 years old

C.      13 to 17 years old

D.     5 to 8 years old

146.  A phlebotomist stated that the reason that he/she used a skin puncture procedure for an infant for CBC blood collection compared to a dorsal hand vein venipuncture was because

A.      The baby was less than 1 year old

B.     Fewer punctures are required

C.      There will be less dilution of the specimen by tissue fluid

D.    It is less stressful for the patient

147. To avoid litigation, what will be the optimal depth of a fingerstick in a child?

A.      greater than 3.0 mm

B.     less than 2.0 mm

C.      less than 3.0 mm

D.    less than 0.5 mm

148. A physician requested for a blood culture for an infant and the phlebotomist used a venipuncture procedure. Which of the following is the preferred antiseptic used prior to the blood collection?

A.    70% isopropyl alcohol

B.      Iodine

C.      Chlorohexidine gluconate

D.     Alcohol hand rub

149. Which of the following did a phlebotomist use for blood collection by skin puncture on an infant?

A.      Yellow topped evacuated tube

B.     Puncture-resistant sharps container

C.     Non latex tourniquet

D.     A 25 guage safety butterfly needle

150. A phlebotomist could use any of the following intervention to alleviate pain when performing venipuncture on an infant except?

A.      EMLA cream

B.     lidocaine injection

C.      pacifier

D.    oral sucrose
151. The physician requested for a blood gas testing for a patient who was short of breath. Which of the following gases will be reported in the laboratory result?

A.      pH2O, pH and O2

B.     pH, O2, and CO2

C.      pH, pH2O, and CO2

D.    pH2O, pH, and pO2

152. Blood spot testing for neonatal screening should be performed before the newborn is:

A.      72 hours old

B.      24 hours old

C.      48 hours old

D.    36 hours old

153. Which of the following requested laboratory test will prompt a phlebotomist to use a venipuncture procedure in a child?

A.    Blood gases

B.     Blood cultures

C.     Glucose

D.    CBC

154. A patient was found to have pyrexia of unknown origin. The physician requested a blood culture for the patient. Which tube will the phlebotomist likely use?

A.    green-topped evacuated tube

B.     speckled-topped evacuated tube

C.     light blue-topped evacuated tube

D.    yellow-topped evacuated tube

155. A laboratory uses a quality control record determined by pooling the data of laboratory results obtained during which test period:

A.    10-day test period

B.     20-day test period

C.     30-day test period

D.    15-day test period

156. When using the CoaguCheck system point of care instrument, what do we intend to measure?

A.    WBCs

B.     Hematocrit

C.     PT

D.    RBCs

158. In which group of patient will artificial shunt which fuses the vein and artery through surgery be present?

A.    patients with myomectomy to avoid lymphedema

B.     cardiac patients

C.     patients complaining of vein and artery problem

D.    Kidney dialysis patients

159. What is the artificial shunt which fuses the vein and artery through surgery called?

A.    Canula

B.     Fistula

C.     Arterial shunt

D.    Venous shunt

160. What is the name of the artery in the leg that can be used for ABG collection?

A.    Dorsal

B.     Femoral

C.     Radial

D.    Ulnar

Who actually elect the President of the United States, the Vice President, Senators, Governors, and the Congress? Find out the Answer Here and cross check your facts! !

Majority Wins


The Road to the White House and Becoming the POTUS

POTUS … President of the United States

Who are the true Electors? Find out Here!!
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