Thursday, November 6, 2014

USMLE STEP 2 CS - Headache Differential Diagnosis

USMLE Step 2 CS Headache Differential Diagnosis by Dr Esumei

Headache Differential Diagnosis by Dr Esumei

This crossword was created by Dr. Anthony Esumei with EclipseCrossword -

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  1. 25 Y/O M, C/O stuffy nose for 2 weeks. Notes 5/10 frontal headache, rhinorrhea, greenish yelow nasal discharge, fever, pain in both cheeks, no cough, chest pain or wheezing.
  2. 25 y/o F medical student with lots of assignments and impending examination. C/o recurrent bilateral headache, 5/10, and occurs 5 times a week
  3. 57 y/o M, C/O R temporal headache, 7/10, worse with chewing food, slight relief with tylenol, fever, blurred vision in R eye
  4. 67 y/o M c/o sudden severe headache, 9/10, nausea, vomitting and confusion. No h/o trauma. O/E pt has L hemiplegia and nuchal rigidity
  5. 68 y/o M, C/O headche and pain while shaving, 2 months ago, 7/10, electric in nature, lasts for 5 minutes. His physician requested for CBC, ESR and MRI brain


  1. 31 yo F c/o unilateral headache,throbbing, 5/10, potophobia, sonophobia, sees flashing light on R visual field, nausea and vomiting, weakness and numbness on R side of body
  2. 21 YO obese F c/o bilateral headache, 3/10, constant, gnawing, 3 weeks duration, slightly relieved by tylenol. She is sexually active and on oral contraceptive pills. No ETOH,
  3. 18 y/o F C/O bilateral throbbing headche, 7/10, associted with fever of 100 degrees F, and neck pain. Patient appears confused and complains about the light in the room (photophobia). Kernigs and Brudzinski's signs were positive
  4. 31 y/o M, c/o L Temporal headache, 4/10, occurs at 4pm daily. Has L eye pain, redness, tearing and L rhinorrhea .

This crossword puzzle was created by Dr. Anthony Esumei with EclipseCrossword. USMLE Step 2 CS
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